ich wurde von der lieben Hannah zum Wanderlust Award nominiert, vielen Dank dafür. :)
The Rules:
- Thank and link back to the Blogger who awarded you!
- Copy and paste the award (Logo, rules and questions) to your blog
- Answer the questions and nominate 5 less popular travel or Au Pair blogs which deserve more attention and followers.
- Dont’t forget to inform them about their nomination on their blog.
The Questions:
- Where will you go and/or where are you right now?
- What is your favorite place in this world so far?
- Who is the most interesting person you’ve met so far?
- What is your most important travel item?
- How did/will your relatives feel about your trip?
- How many countries have you visited?
- How are you documenting your trip/s?
- What are your ultimate travel goals (Bucketlist #1-#3)
- What would you do if you didn’t have to work?
- How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
My answers:
- I wil spend my year as an au pair in New Jersey.
- I never traveld so much before, but I really liked the netherlands, but I'm in love with Berlin, it's my second home.♥
- I think I didn’t meet a person that’s been overly interesting to me. :/
- My most important travel item is definitely my camera to capture my adventures.
- They’re sad I’m leaving, but they’re also very happy that I go my own way and make new adventures and let my dream come true.
- I’ve only visited 2 countries (Germany & the Netherlands).
- I’m documenting my trip with this blog, my Instagram profile (anjablk).
- #1 Grand Canyon, #2 Hawaii, #3 Las Vegas
- I would travel around the world and explore the different countrys.
- Flexible, creative and moody. :D
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