Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Matching Phase #2: E-Mail Contact/Skype Interview

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

wie Ihr sicherlich mitbekommen habt, befinde ich mich momentan in der Matchingphase, die wohl aufregendste und spannendste Phase im ganzen Bewerbungsprozess. Des Weiteren heißt das für mich auch E-Mail Kontakt und Skype-Gespräche mit den Host Familys zu führen. Als erstes kann ich euch nur sagen, macht euch nicht so viele Gedanken. Die Familien wissen, dass Ihr kein perfektes Englisch könnt und aufgeregt seid. 

Als kleine Unterstützung habe ich mir einen Fragenkatalog, mit verschiedenen Kategorien zusammen gestellt. Ich habe die Kategorien in Famiy/Childcare, Family Livestyle, Health/Personal Considerations und Other Things unterteilt. Die Informationen, die ich schon über den Essay bekommen habe, habe ich mir dann schon vor dem Skype Interview notiert.


  • How many children do you have?
  • How old are they?
  • Could you describe each childs personality and character?
  • What do they like to do?Favorite food, toy, activity etc.?
  • What would a typical working day for me look like? 
  • How do you raise your kids? What do you focus on? 
  • What rules do the kids have to follow?
  • What characteristics and skills do you consider important for an au pair? What should a good au pair have that would fit into your family?
  • Do I have to wake the kids up/bring them to bed?
  • How much leisure time do they have?
  • Do your kids have activities/play dates during the week? 
  • What can I do with the kids during my working time, Parks, Beach, Libary Zoo?
  • What are my duties?
  • What other tasks I will help with? 
  • Will I be driving the children? How often/how far?

Family Livestyle:

  • Where do you live? Which State? What is the next bigger city?
  • What kind of area do you live in, weather/ landscape/ town? 
  • What is the public transportation system like, e.g. are there any busses/trains?
  • Do relatives live nearby? Do other families with children/au pairs live nearby?
  • What do you like to do together, how do you spend your weekends as a family?
  • What does every day life in your family look like? How does a typical weekend look like?
  • How often do you eat together?
  • Are there any rules/curfews to follow? 
  • Do you have any pets?
  • Do you both work?
  • What hobbies and interests do you have?
  • Could you please describe yourself and your husband/wife?

Health/Personal Considerations:

  • Does the family have any special needs? 
  • Do any of the children take medication, have allergies, asthma?
  • Do you follow a religion or a special diet?

Other Things:

  • For when do you search an au pair?
  • What do you like about my application?
  • How will my first days upon my arrival look like, would you drive around with me and show me important places, help me to set up a cell phone contract, open a bank account,  get my social security number,  driver´s license?
  • What could I do in my free time in your area, e.g. are there any malls/ gyms..?
  • Do you have any pets? Am I responsible for the pets? If so, to which degree, e.g. do I need to take them for walks, feed them?
  • Do you provide a car for me? Are there any restrictions on using the car? May I use the care in my spare time? Do I have to pay for the gas?
  • How do you celebrate special holidays, Christmas/Thanksgiving/New Years Eve..?
  • When you are going on vacation during my year, would you take me with you or am I supposed to stay home/go on a vacation trip?
Ich habe mich von dem Fragenkatalog von AIFS/Au Pair in America inspirieren lassen, den Ihr hier findet.

Fragen, wie z. B. zum Urlaub, Auto, Handy und so weiter würde ich erst im späteren Verlauf mit der Host Family besprechen und mich zuerst voll und ganz auf die Kinder, die Aufgaben und die Familie konzentrieren. 
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit dem Post ein bisschen weiter helfen und euch eine Inspiration für eure Fragen geben.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Toller Post! Hat mir super geholfen, danke :)

    1. Freut mich, dass ich dir damit weiter helfen konnte! :)

  2. It's good that you thought about the health care. This is a very important.
